Monday, October 25, 2010

Parting ways

In Japan, there are 宴会(enkai) or drinking parties that revolve around almost every possible theme. One of them is called the 送別会(soubetsukai) or farewell party.
In my case, it was the farewell dinner which my scholarship foundation threw for me.
The party was held at a restaurant called韻松亭(Inshoutei) specializing in seasonal 懐石(Kaiseki) cuisine, which is Japanese Haute Cuisine. It was decided we would have the course of the local chicken (地鶏, jidori) served sukiyaki style. If you ever get the chance, it is a wonderful restaurant located at the heart of Ueno park - dimly lit with tatami floors and a beautifully planted exterior.
When attending such formal parties, it is always the responsibility of the guest of honor (me, in this case) to go around all the tables at least once to pour all the guests a drink from a big bottle (typically beer.)
In addition, several toasts and heavy drinking is something that is rather difficult to avoid. However, once the initial formalities are addressed, the atmosphere becomes much lighter and I become much less terrified at the prospect of doing something that could offend a roomful of people.
At these events, it is customary to present the departing party with a present - which is this lovely little Burberry name card carrier. Accept graciously and expect to be teased about not owning something of such customary value in Japan. (Name cards are a big thing)
Of course, entering the salaryman life meant that this was a extremely appropriate departing gift!

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