Thursday, March 20, 2014

Frozen is coming to town. (Some thoughts to getting your overseas media fix)

Finally, Disney's "Frozen" has arrived in Japan

Frozen Promo on Nihon Terebi Morning News.

For those of you that do not know, movies can take months to be released in Japan. Here in Tokyo, we are getting "Frozen" (released in the U.S before Christmas) - in March!
Oftentimes, the DVD's will be released overseas before we get them in theaters here.

The same goes for TV series, which may not even make the journey over. Ever.

How is one left to fend for themselves in such a situation? Here are some ways I get my fix.

I usually purchase subscriptions through my U.S itunes account - which is very up to date.
(Don't bother with Hulu Japan for overseas series, it is woefully underwhelming and sad.)

PC game supply is a site I have used with great success. Not only can you get gift cards for iTunes, but all your gaming needs are covered as well (Nintendo/Playstation etc.) You can visit them here.

The other options are VPN networks (I haven't gotten it to work very well) and of course some less than kosher methods which could get you in trouble.

How do you get your media fix? I would love to hear some other opinions!

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